
Saturday, 21 March 2020

Basics of the Civil War essays

Basics of the Civil War essays The Civil War, which began in 1861, was fought for a variety of reasons. One reason would be the dispute between sides about the federal government. The two sides could not agree on what powers the states did and did not possess. A major issue in this was the dispute over slavery. Southern states believed it was their right to have slavery and that it wasn't the federal government's call. The north, on the other hand, saw it wrong and brutal. After being threatened by the government, the southern states began seceding from the nation so they could maintain the rights and powers they believed to be theirs. There were several battles in the Civil War. Some of the major battles include Bull Run, Antietam, Gettysburg and the Siege of Vicksburg. At the battle of Bull Run, the North failed to take advantage of their position and defeat the South quickly. This battle could have ended the war if the North had won. At Antietam, the Union defeated General Lee's first attempt to invade the North. The Vicksburg campaign gave the North control of the Mississippi River, which affected trade and the southern economy. Probably the most famous of all, the battle of Gettysburg defeated General Lee's second invasion of the North. There were many key leaders in the Civil War that played important roles in the outcome of the war. General Ulysses S. Grant was the leading general of the Union who led them to many great victories. He was in war once before and resigned due to a drinking problem and missing his wife and children. Grant eventually went on to be president after the war. General Robert E. Lee was the leading general of the Confederacy but was first asked to be the leading general of the Union, by Lincoln. He refused and returned home to support his people. General William T. Sherman was famous for his "March to the Sea" through the south to the east coast. He burned everything in his way including Atlanta and many other important cit...

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Ideal Female Body Structur essays

Ideal Female Body Structur essays Symbolism, the common ground on which both Bordo and Warner chose to base their arguments, is at the center of the question of where do the image of the ideal female body figure comes from. Bordo believes it is from societys pressures of indulgence and control, but does that really create an image? There is definitely an image that we see every day of slender women in commercials and magazines, but how did this come to be the ideal form? This is the question Marina Warner answers in the essay Nuda Veritas. Warner answers this question by discussing art from both Christian and classical culture. She discusses and critiques the idea of the opposition between culture and nature, clothes and nakedness, order and disorder. From these oppositions we derive our idea of beauty versus ugliness. In Christian paintings we are shown pictures of the naked female in many ways. The first, nuditas criminalis, is the vision of lust and evil. It is the naked body portrayed in a lustful or distasteful way. We also see visions of age. In these paintings age is a punishment for sin. We are shown images of the body rotting and being consumed by worms or snakes devouring the subjects genitals. This is supposed to punish lust, and sex. We are supposed to see this nudity as ugly and dirty. Thus, making people fear age and feel ugly with age. The second vision we are shown is nuditas naturalis, this is the image of returning to the original human state. This state is without sin; it is pure but at the same time can be bad. For example Mary Magdalene after her life of sin returned to the original human state by shedding her clothes and wandering the dessert. This wouldnt be to bad if she didnt grow any hair but in order to protect her body she grew hair creating an ugly image. At the same time though we can associate positive images with nuditas naturalis. Jo ...